- Why Reduce and Recycle Waste? 为何要减少及回收废物?
- It is applied in schools, barracks, hospitals and communities to treat and recycle waste water. 适用于学校、营房、医院、居民小区等人流中,不影响生活环境的生活污水处理使用。
- Preparation of wood plastic composites (WPC) is one of the important methods to replace natural wood and recycle waste plastics. 木/塑复合材料的制备对寻求木材的替代材料具有重要意义,也是回收塑料再生利用的有效途径之一。
- It also makes the maximum safe use of the environment's natural capacity to absorb and recycle wastes. 这制度也尽量安全利用环境本身的吸收及循环能力来减低污染。
- From the technique point of view,there are no difficulties to recycle waste concrete as recycled aggregates and recycled aggregate concrete. 从技术的角度来讲,废弃混凝土资源化产品即再生骨料和再生混凝土技术已基本成熟。
- Cost control, prevent waste ensuring retrieve and recycle. 控制成本,杜绝浪费。确保物品的回收再利用。
- He said he sees biodiesel made from oil crops and recycled waste as “the most promising” of clean fuels. 他说,他认为以油料作物和回收废品为原料生产的生物柴油是"最有希望"的清洁燃料。
- We also know that more efficient transportation and recycling waste materials are key changes that have received much attention over a number of years. 我们也知道,更有效的运输系统及循环再造废物的材料是关键的变化,有备受关注超过了数年。
- This will reduce and equalize mold temperatures. 这样会降低和均衡模具温度。
- Remember to Pack it In, Pack it Out, and recycle. 记住:带来,带走,还有循环使用。
- Reduce and Control Operating Cost. 简化和控制营业成本。
- With analyses made for water for production use, water for non production use, and recyclable waste water, recycling processes are proposed for feasibility study. 大庆市水资源短缺严重,工业用水成本大幅度上涨。
- Reduce and reshape our cost base. 降低和重构成本基础。
- We should encourage reclamation and recycling. 我们应当鼓励废物的回收和利用。
- The government encourages us to recycle waste paper. 政府提倡我们要循环利用废纸。
- Reduce and caramelise the honey over a low heat until it darkens. 把蜂蜜放在小火上面,慢慢的烧,直到看见他的颜色有点变的黑沉色。
- We can start by remembering the three R's: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. 译文:我们应该开始记住三个R:减少,循环利用,再利用
- Reducers and worm gear sets can also be made. 减速器及蜗杆副。
- They will also affect the requirement to collect and recycle packaging waste. 新法还会影响到收集和循环利用包装垃圾的要求。
- In the process of reutilizing and recycling wastes, production safety shall be guaranteed so as to ensure that product quality satisfy the state standards and prevent the secondary pollution. 在废物再利用和资源化过程中,应当保障生产安全,保证产品质量符合国家规定的标准,并防止产生再次污染。